Welcome to the IP blog!

Hello everyone, typing on this new blog space feels incredibly nostalgic, since I actually started a beauty blog...eight years ago! Wow! I am thrilled to see that adding a blog to my site it so simple, so to those of you who love reading a little here and there, in between beautiful photos, you're in for regular posts ☺️.

9 months into Ikra photography

It has been 9 months exactly since I started taking my photography side hustle a little more seriously. December 2020, at the end of a very tough year for many of us, my first client (who was the sweetest bride btw), trusted me in photographing two of her most important events. Her mayoon and her actual Nikkah. I will talk about that in detail in a separate post, but that was the first real client of mine and it was an amazing experience.

Since then I have photographed 6 other events and I have 2 more upcoming before the year ends. These are modest numbers, but numbers and more importantly people who trusted me, to photograph their beautiful events and families and for that I couldn't be more grateful. I know that building a photography business is typically a long process, it takes years to be, 'booked and busy' and I respect that. Of course I am hoping to increase these numbers in 2022, however I will never ever take for granted the fact that I am beginning to live out a dream of mine, one I never even imagined I'd be beginning!

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Dundee scotland photographer female photographer mehndi photographer uk muslim wedding photographer uk ikra photography
Dundee scotland photographer female photographer mehndi photographer uk muslim wedding photographer uk ikra photography
Dundee scotland photographer female photographer mehndi photographer uk muslim wedding photographer uk ikra photography
Dundee scotland photographer female photographer mehndi photographer uk muslim wedding photographer uk ikra photography
Dundee scotland photographer female photographer mehndi photographer uk muslim wedding photographer uk ikra photography

What to expect on the blog

As somebody who used to blog weekly, I can't tell you how excited I am to be back to this format, but this time totally centred around photography! I will be sharing my experiences, sharing the photos that I'm allowed to share, as well as venues and other vendors. Also, I hope to make posts with tips that are helpful to you and of course, I am open to requests and suggestions, should you have them. You may be wondering why I'm posting a bunch of photos from our Morocco trip (pre-pandemic😭), well they're just stunning but don't quite fit on any of my instagram pages and so here they shall have a place of honour haha. I'm excited to share client and non-client photos via this blog and I hope you're looking forwards to seeing more too!

And with that being said, I am going to leave things here. Next week we'll talk about the very very beginning and I might even be able to dig up some super retro, back in the day wedding photos...no promises though 😜